999 BSL is a completely free of charge service which allows you to contact the Police, Ambulance, Fire Brigade and Coastguard emergency services using BSL, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This service has been set up so that no deaf person will be excluded when they need to make an emergency call, therefore saving lives.
The 999 BSL service is for emergency situations ONLY, for an example if someone is seriously injured; lives at risk; being in danger or harm; a serious offence is in progress or just has been committed.
For less urgent situations, please use Police 101 (wherever possible) and NHS111 through SignVideo - not 999 BSL, unless there is an emergency.
There are two ways to reach the emergency authorities through 999 BSL service. Download dedicated 999 BSL app from Apple/Google store, or visit website at www.999bsl.co.uk
There are four very simple steps, you will need to:
It is so simple.
Any calls made via the service do not use your mobile or broadband data and are completely anonymous.
BSL Interpreting is the process of conveying a spoken or signed language into another spoken or signed language to ensure that effective communication takes place between deaf and hearing parties. A qualified BSL/English interpreter is a professional who is fluent in both spoken and signed languages and holds recognised qualifications in both BSL, interpreting practise and theory.
To find out more about the 999 BSL service please visit www.999bsl.co.uk